Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Diesen Spruch habe ich vor Jahren in einer Apotheke an der Wand g..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I wrote this saying on the wall of a pharmacy years ago.....

I found this saying years ago on the wall of a pharmacy. We can enjoy every day, even when it's raining or other things on the outside don't seem so ideal. It is always our decision how we react t...
Wir beginnen ganz einfach, so dass Neulinge sich nicht überforder..... - Befree Tantra Shop

We'll start off simple so newcomers don't get overwhelmed...

We start off very simply so that newcomers don't feel overwhelmed and the body can adjust to the different breathing. In the first step, we practice simply breathing fully and deeply, yet gently. ...
Danke, dass ihr so fleißig mitgerätselt habt. Und tatsächlich ist..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Thank you for working so diligently. And indeed is.....

Thank you for working so diligently. And indeed, the ear is a very special source of pleasure. Of course - as some suspect - also quite physically and sensually. However, that is not what "ear" ga...
Laut dem Projekt Theratalk am Institut für Psychologie der Univer..... - Befree Tantra Shop

According to the Theratalk project at the University's Department of Psychology.....

According to the Theratalk project at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Göttingen, sexual dissatisfaction in a partnership is the most common reason for infidelity: in 84% of women a...
Manchmal habe ich mich im Leben gefragt, ob ich wohl den Absprung..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Sometimes in life I've asked myself if I could take the jump.....

Sometimes in life I've asked myself if I can make the leap? And then one day I just gave it a try: The first time I jumped out of the plane at a height of 700 meters alone with a rip cord. The sec...
Vielen Menschen ist der "Ohr"gasmus der Frau gar nicht bekannt. H..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Many people are not even aware of the "ear" gasm in women. H.....

Many people are not even aware of the "ear" gasm in women. Have you heard anything about it? If not, what do you envision? Maybe we'll collect our ideas, conceptions and fantasies here before the s...
Aus dieser Tasse trinke ich oft meinen Kaffee. Und jedesmal, wenn..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I often drink my coffee from this cup. And every time.....

I often drink my coffee from this cup. And every time I take them out of the closet, the saying puts a smile on my face. Do you feel the same? Do you know similar, funny sayings? What does your fa...
Letzte Fortsetzung zum Eheglücktrick (Herzumarmung). Hier erfährs..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Final sequel to Marriage Happiness Trick (Heart Hug). Find out here.....

Final sequel to Marriage Happiness Trick (Heart Hug). Here's how to avoid the 4th mistake to experience a truly touching heart hug. In course form I also repeat the other three mistakes if you have...
Ich habe schon etliches zur Herzumarmung (dem Eheglücktrick) gepo..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I've already posted quite a few things about the heart hug (the marriage happiness trick).....

I've already posted quite a bit about the heart hug (the marriage happiness trick) and also about the plus and minus poles in men and women. Now the only thing missing is a little bit of knowledge ...
Gerade baue ich einen gr..... - Befree Tantra Shop

https://befree-tantra.de/faq/uebersicht I'm currently building a large.....

https://befree-tantra.de/faq/uebersicht I am currently building up a large area of ​​questions and answers about tantra and everything to do with tantra. Maybe your question is included? If not, I ...
Manchmal hindern wir uns selbst daran, den Weg aus unseren Abhäng..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Sometimes we prevent ourselves from finding our way out of our slopes.....

Sometimes we prevent ourselves from walking the path out of our dependencies and into freedom. We attach ourselves to people who are not good for us or to circumstances. Of jobs that don't really f...
Kennst du es, dass sich bei einer Umarmung jemand zu stark auf di..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Do you know that when someone hugs you, you put too much pressure on.....

Do you know that when someone hugs you, they lean too hard on you and, so to speak, cling to you? In order for a heart hug to succeed, both must stand on their own feet and only give a little weigh...