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Es gibt mehr unter der Sonne, als wir sehen können. Zum Beispiel ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

There's more under the sun than we can see. For example .....

There's more under the sun than we can see. For example chakras. They are important energy centers in our energy body. In the video you get a little insight and see some nice pictures. how are yo...
Eine neue Deutschland weite Studie bringt ans Licht, dass nur ca...... - Befree Tantra Shop

A new Germany-wide study reveals that only about......

A new Germany-wide study reveals that only about 40 percent of all singles always use a condom. Everyone else doesn't use any or only from time to time. When it comes to people who are in relation...
Liebst du auch Frühlingsgedichte? Jedenfalls poste ich gerne eine..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Do you also love spring poems? Anyway, I'd like to post one.....

Do you also love spring poems? In any case, I am happy to post a little early spring greeting from Rainer Maria Rilke for you, which you are welcome to distribute. Maybe that's why spring fever is...
Ich hatte gerade die ersten Erfahrungen gemacht, da sagte ich sch..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I had just had my first experience when I said sh.....

I had just had my first experiences when I said: You should be able to make art out of physical love." I was only 19 years old and had no idea what I was talking about. But I was quite sure: There...
Dieser einfache Spruch kann dir helfen, jetzt sofort deinen Tag z..... - Befree Tantra Shop

This simple saying can help you start your day right now.....

This simple saying can help you start enjoying your day right now. I love him and he always motivates me when I want to put worry lines on my face. Because we can actually choose anew at any momen...
Sicher hast Du auch schon zig mal das Glück im Außen gesucht, ode..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Surely you have already looked for happiness in the outside umpteen times, or.....

Surely you've looked for happiness outside umpteen times, haven't you? In the right partner, the right dream apartment, the fulfilling job, the great pastime, the super car, the right friends and ...

Done: I found my webinar title and the first .....

Done: I found my webinar title and the first steps in planning behind me. I am really looking forward to meeting many of you there. Put the date in your calendar right away so you don't miss it. If...

Done: I found my webinar title and the first .....

Done: I found my webinar title and the first steps in planning behind me. I am really looking forward to meeting many of you there. Put the date in your calendar right away so you don't miss it. If...
Ja, wann? Vielleicht gestern, vielleicht ist es schon lange her. ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

So when? Maybe yesterday, maybe it was a long time ago. .....

So when? Maybe yesterday, maybe it was a long time ago. Dancing relaxes the body and soul and fills you with joie de vivre. You don't have to be able to do anything - just put on some nice music a...
Es liegt in der Natur der Dinge, dass Eltern geben und Kinder neh..... - Befree Tantra Shop

It is in the nature of things that parents give and children take.....

It is in the nature of things that parents give and children take. Parents first give their children what is most precious, namely life. In addition, they usually give a lot more: They give the chi...
Die Frage "Wenn ich könnte, wie ich wollte..." stellen wir manchm..... - Befree Tantra Shop

The question "If I could do what I wanted..." we sometimes ask.....

We sometimes ask the question "If I could do what I wanted..." in seminars. Participants sit in pairs and take turns answering this question. Many secret desires appear. Sometimes we've given up o...
Aus jeder einzelnen Berührung kannst du eine Meditation machen. S..... - Befree Tantra Shop

You can make a meditation out of every single touch. S.....

You can make a meditation out of every single touch. In this way, as a giving person, you can come into a kind of inner bliss as well as the receiving person. This is because both enter into the m...