Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Ich hatte gerade die ersten Erfahrungen gemacht, da sagte ich sch..... - BeFree Liebesschule

I had just had my first experience when I said sh.....

I had just had my first experiences when I said: You should be able to make art out of physical love." I was only 19 years old and had no idea what I was talking about. But I was quite sure: There are more possibilities in the love bed than I had experienced. So I set off. It wasn't easy at first because my partner at the time was completely against me wanting to have a say in love affairs. I interviewed women and men to find out if what I had in mind already existed somewhere. Hardly anyone was willing to talk to me about intimate things. So I started inventing love evenings that came close to my vision. I wrote down all my ideas and of course I was very keen to put them into practice. But my partner didn't want to hear about it. So I was forced to put my project on hold for a while. But I haven't forgotten. I then initiated my first tantra rituals in a women's group - they were my inventions. Or rather, what came up from my deepest inside. Everyone was excited and I was encouraged again. So women paved the way to tantra for me. And that's right. To this day, the women's circle is so important for many women, so that their very own longings get momentum. I have no idea whether we will even be able to hold our big women's festival at Gut Frohberg this year. It's only November - so it could be already. Then it will certainly continue to be an issue of how to make physical love more than what most of us have experienced so far. If you are interested and you intend to take part, you can find more information on my website befree-tantra.de under the heading "Seminars". For my fans here: do you think you can make art out of physical love? Or are you already doing that?