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Aus jeder einzelnen Berührung kannst du eine Meditation machen. S..... - BeFree Liebesschule

You can make a meditation out of every single touch. S.....

You can make a meditation out of every single touch. In this way, as a giving person, you can come into a kind of inner bliss as well as the receiving person. This is because both enter into the magic of presence together. To do this, you must be willing to give up any goal or expectation. Then you can fully "be there", alert, awake and present. Amazingly, these pleasure meditations awaken all the senses. This means that you can react with relish or sensually or touched almost every part of the body - whatever is pending. This video gives you some tips through the pictures. But you can get creative yourself and invent your own pleasure meditations. A relaxing background music is helpful - and of course your breath. Do you already have experience with this kind of collective tantric meditation?