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Alle auf https://befree-tantra.de erhältlichen Tantra Rituale kan..... - Befree Tantra Shop

All tantra rituals available on https://befree-tantra.de can.....

All tantra rituals available on https://befree-tantra.de can also be performed at home. From the tantric full body massage to the tantric breast massage to the tantric anus massage, you will find a...
Neben der herkömmlichen zielorientierten (orgasmusfixierten) körp..... - Befree Tantra Shop

In addition to the conventional goal-oriented (orgasm-fixated) body.....

In addition to the conventional goal-oriented (orgasm-fixated) physical love, there is the subtle encounter that does more justice to the female side in man and woman: the gentle sexual union enabl...
Wie stehst du zu Bert Hellingers Aussage? Denkst du auch, annehme..... - Befree Tantra Shop

What do you think of Bert Hellinger's statement? Do you think so too, suppose.....

What do you think of Bert Hellinger's statement? Do you also think acceptance means peace? ✨
Wenn es um Tantra geht, fallen die Begriffe #Shiva und #Shakti hä..... - Befree Tantra Shop

When it comes to tantra, the terms #Shiva and #Shakti come to mind.....

When it comes to tantra, the terms #Shiva and #Shakti come up more often. But what exactly is that? 💙 Shiva originally comes from Sanskrit and means something like "auspicious". In the tantric con...
Tantra bietet Paaren die Möglichkeit durch Berührungen in Achtsam..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Tantra offers couples the opportunity through touching in mindfulness.....

Tantra offers couples the opportunity to build an emotional bridge through mindful touch, which can facilitate the path to sex. In this sense, Tantra can definitely help to solve relationship probl...
Achtsame und liebevolle Berührung wirkt wie ein Breitband-Medikam..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Mindful and loving touch works like a broad spectrum drug...

Mindful and loving touch works like a broad spectrum drug. New studies prove this every year. Physical contact is a basic human need and even necessary for survival, not only in children but also i...
Immer, wenn ich in meinen Garten gehe, komme ich ins Staunen. All..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Whenever I go into my garden, I am amazed. Alles.....

Whenever I go into my garden, I am amazed. Everything grows and becomes. Each time I can look forward to a new bloom. Have you ever left the old behind and embraced new things blooming?
Sagt zumindest Bert Hellinger. Meinst du an dem Satz ist etwas Wa..... - Befree Tantra Shop

At least that's what Bert Hellinger says. Do you think there is something wa..... in that sentence?

At least that's what Bert Hellinger says. Do you think there is any truth in that sentence? What would you do if you found that you just couldn't handle your partner's difficult sides? Have you eve...
Ehe ich in dieses Erdenleben kam
Ward mir gezeigt, wie ich es leb..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Before I came into this earth life I was shown how to live it.....

Before I came into this earth life Was shown me how I would live it. There was sorrow, there was grief, There was the misery and the burden of suffering. There was the truck that was meant to grab ...
Die Sommerseminare sind am 25.7. mit dem Paarsommer zu Ende gegan..... - Befree Tantra Shop

The summer seminars are on 25.7. ended with the couple's summer.....

The summer seminars are on 25.7. came to an end with the couple's summer. On the last evening of the couples seminar there is traditionally the tantric wedding ritual - a celebration of the connect...
Gestern Abend hat das letzte BeFree Tantraseminar in Reith/ Kitzb..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Yesterday evening the last BeFree Tantra seminar in Reith/ Kitzb.....

The last BeFree Tantra seminar in Reith/ Kitzbühel started yesterday evening. It is the only couples seminar of the year. In my opinion, the couple relationship is a very special opportunity to re...
Dauerhaftes Liebesglück zu zweit wünschen sich viele Menschen. Ma..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Many people wish for lasting happiness in love for two. Ma.....

Many people wish for lasting happiness in love for two. Some try again and again. Failure is often inevitable. Some live resignedly side by side at some point. Others get divorced. Many try to fin...