Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Achtsame und liebevolle Berührung wirkt wie ein Breitband-Medikam..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Mindful and loving touch works like a broad spectrum drug...

Mindful and loving touch works like a broad spectrum drug. New studies prove this every year. Physical contact is a basic human need and even necessary for survival, not only in children but also in adults. This is how touching, stroking and loving care work: 💗 Stress is reduced and thus stress-related diseases are minimized 💗 The defenses increase greatly, the self-healing powers become active 💗 Recovery in sick people is proven to be accelerated 💗 Physical relaxation and mental balance arise 💗 Quality of life and joie de vivre are measurably higher 💗 Touch makes you happy and therefore also beautiful, you shine from the inside out