Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Die Sommerseminare sind am 25.7. mit dem Paarsommer zu Ende gegan..... - BeFree Liebesschule

The summer seminars are on 25.7. ended with the couple's summer.....

The summer seminars are on 25.7. came to an end with the couple's summer. On the last evening of the couples seminar there is traditionally the tantric wedding ritual - a celebration of the connection between man and woman in a symbolic experience of unity. It is always very moving when couples commit to each other and, despite all the adversities of life, keep looking for each other. Here you can see how the room was prepared by the assistants. Now there is a break before on 1.9. the big BeFree Festival starts at Gut Frohberg. Greetings to you all!