Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Als Frau solltest du immer wieder unter Frauen sein, egal, was ih..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Als Frau solltest du immer wieder unter Frauen sein, egal, was ih.....

Als Frau solltest du immer wieder unter Frauen sein, egal, was ihr zusammen macht. Als Mann entsprechend unter Männern. Das soll jeweils die weibliche bzw. männliche Kraft stärken. Kennst du das? H...
Für die Lust der Frau gibt es ganz andere Eintrittskarten als für..... - Befree Tantra Shop

There are completely different tickets for the lust of the woman than for.....

There are completely different admission tickets for woman's lust than for man's. How is she awakened? What blockages do you need to overcome? How does one navigate the orgasm jungle: clitoral, vag...
Gerade schreibe ich am Kapitel Wertschätzung der Männer. Heutzuta..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I'm currently writing the chapter on men's appreciation. Nowadays.....

I am currently writing the chapter on men's appreciation. Nowadays there is a deep sense of insecurity among men. Between the woman understander, macho, wimp, loser, daredevil and mama's boy, an av...
..... - Befree Tantra Shop


Ich habe auf meiner Website mehrere Seiten mit Ideen für den Vale..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I have several pages of ideas for the Vale on my website...

I have put together several pages of Valentine's Day ideas on my website. You can browse there as you like. It starts here:https://befree-tantra.de/tantra-seminare/befree-tantra-valentinstagAnd of ...
Kennst du schon meine Podcastreihe? 
Wenn ja, welche folge fandes..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Do you already know my podcast series? If yes, which episode did you find.....

Do you already know my podcast series?If so, which episode did you find most exciting? 🎧
Was für eine schöne Überraschung!!!! Irgendwie bekomme ich seit e..... - Befree Tantra Shop

What a nice surprise!!!! Somehow since e.....

What a nice surprise!!!! Somehow I've been getting happy flower greetings for a year now, which go straight to my heart in the middle of everyday life. A seminar participant from the assistant trai...
Wir haben jedes Jahr mehrere Beziehungsfeiertage: Der Tag des Bez..... - Befree Tantra Shop

We have several relationship holidays every year: The day of the be.....

We have several relationship holidays every year: The day the relationship began, the day of the 1st union (today), Valentine's Day and the two wedding anniversaries. Unfortunately, I forgot the da...
Wieviel Intimität kannst du erlauben? Wo sind deine Grenzen? Lock..... - Befree Tantra Shop

How much intimacy can you allow? where are your limits lock.....

How much intimacy can you allow? where are your limits Do they loosen up in the course of the relationship or are there permanent taboo zones?
Das Vortäuschen des Höhepunkts war ja sehr lange die Domäne der F..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Feigning a climax has long been the domain of f.....

Faking the climax has long been the domain of women. Every woman can do it, but not every woman does. A Charité study comes to the conclusion that 58 percent of all women fake an orgasm and 90 perc...
Frauen fragen gerne nach: "Was denkst du?", wenn sie mit einem Ma..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Women like to ask, "What are you thinking?" when dating a man.....

Women like to ask "What are you thinking?" when they are with a man. Somehow they want to find out his deepest secrets and of course they suspect whatever he is thinking about. It's often trivial t...
Über Sex wird immer noch viel zu wenig geredet, und währenddessen..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Sex is still far too little talked about, and meanwhile...

There is still far too little talk about sex, and certainly not during that time. Many a woman falls out of the pleasure boat, which then simply goes to its destination without her. Some people hav...