Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Es gibt nur wenige Menschen, die Komplimente aus dem Herzen herau..... - Befree Tantra Shop

There are few people who give compliments from the heart...

There are few people who can give compliments from the heart and really mean them. Anyway, that's my experience. Sometimes compliment attempts are misused to get something out of someone else. Wo...
Wenn wir warten, bis wir keine Angst mehr haben, dann tun wir nie..... - Befree Tantra Shop

If we wait until we are no longer afraid, then we never...

If we wait until we are no longer afraid, then we never take new steps. Daring to take new steps despite fear is courage. If we do this again and again, our radius of life expands immensely. We l...
Mal wieder etwas zum Schmunzeln - denn Lachen hält gesund und erh..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Something to smile about again - because laughter keeps you healthy and .....

Something to smile about again - because laughter keeps you healthy and increases your quality of life. Do you like to laugh and often? Or are you more serious?
Heute stelle ich euch unser Rasenmäxl vor (der kleine Rasen-Max)...... - Befree Tantra Shop

Today I introduce you to our Rasenmäxl (the little Rasen-Max)......

Today I will introduce you to our Rasenmäxl (the little Rasen-Max). We have given our robot lawn mower a name. He's just had a few days off and now he has to trim a fairly tall lawn blessed with w...
Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich ein Nest hoch oben in unserer Birk..... - Befree Tantra Shop

It's the first time I've made a nest high up in our birch.....

It's the first time I've spotted a nest high up in our birch. I just haven't figured out what kind of bird breeds there. In any case, there have been magpies in the garden for a few days. They pec...
Ich finde für so viel Schönheit lohnt es sich, dir eine Minute Ze..... - Befree Tantra Shop

I think it's worth taking a minute for so much beauty.

I think it's worth taking a minute for so much beauty. Because the outer beauty also makes your inner one happy. Isn't it incredible what nature can produce? I am just amazed and would like to sha...
Geben und Empfangen sind zwei Seiten einer Medaille. Sie gehören ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. You belong .....

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. They somehow belong together. Of course it is ideal if everyone likes both and can do both. But often it is not so. There are people who thrive...

Leisure activity of a tantra teacher: This also includes my.....

Leisure activity of a tantra teacher: This also includes my houseplants and the many bright roses in my garden. A beautiful environment that delights the heart every day is quality of life for me....
Steve Bodansky hat das Buch "Orgasmus XXL" geschrieben. Und in Ka..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Steve Bodansky wrote the book "Orgasm XXL". And in Ca.....

Steve Bodansky wrote the book "Orgasm XXL". And in California there are several institutes that teach the 1 hour orgasm. A few years ago I visited several experts there. I also got to know the mor...
Sogar in der Tantraszene werden diese Tabuthemen nur stiefmütterl..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Even in the tantra scene, these taboo subjects are only neglected.....

Even in the tantra scene, these taboo subjects are neglected. In fact, they affect quite a few men. Whether the pressure of a new love causes the problem or also the pressure from a partner? The ...
Wir haben ja für alle möglichen Lebensbereiche heimliche oder off..... - Befree Tantra Shop

We have secret or open for all possible areas of life.....

We have secret or open wishes for all possible areas of life. As for love, probably especially so. What's at the top of your wish list for love? Or have you already buried your wishes? Then just ...
Hättest du konkrete Wünsche? Oder bist du eher jemand, der alles ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Do you have specific wishes? Or are you more of someone who does everything.....

Do you have specific wishes? Or are you more of someone who lets everything come their way? Can you express your wishes at all? And if so, will they be fulfilled? Imagine that there is someone (o...