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Hättest du konkrete Wünsche? Oder bist du eher jemand, der alles ..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Do you have specific wishes? Or are you more of someone who does everything.....

In tantra, the genitals of both women and men are worshiped. That is..... Reading Do you have specific wishes? Or are you more of someone who does everything..... 1 minute Next We have secret or open for all possible areas of life.....
Do you have specific wishes? Or are you more of someone who lets everything come their way? Can you express your wishes at all? And if so, will they be fulfilled? Imagine that there is someone (or people) willing to pamper you to your liking for three hours. All you have to do is say what you want. One day in advance, so that the person(s) can prepare everything for you exactly according to your wishes. What would that be?