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Heute stelle ich euch unser Rasenmäxl vor (der kleine Rasen-Max)...... - BeFree Liebesschule

Today I introduce you to our Rasenmäxl (the little Rasen-Max)......

Today I will introduce you to our Rasenmäxl (the little Rasen-Max). We have given our robot lawn mower a name. He's just had a few days off and now he has to trim a fairly tall lawn blessed with wilted rose petals. Not an easy task, and that in the heat. But as you can see, he's panting and creating and making and doing what he can. I used to ridicule and gossip about robot lawn mowers. Especially because they were always stuck somewhere and not getting anywhere. Today I love our Mäxl very much. And I'm also glad that I don't have to mow the lawn in the heat. How do you feel about such technical achievements? Can you accept them or do you prefer to mow yourself?