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How many fruitless and useless thoughts go through our minds every day...

After the first four videos, you can now find out why and how t..... Reading How many fruitless and useless thoughts go through our minds every day... 1 minute Next The gentle union is a way of physical verb.....
How many fruitless and useless thoughts go through our heads every day? Isn't it tragic that we often take them for the truth? They are usually only our interpretations or interpretations of certain people or events. Sometimes the head cinema can even become pure torture that keeps us trapped in endless thought loops. Especially when we're worried, we often paint the future in the darkest of colors. Of course, this has a direct impact on our well-being. Can this mental madness be stopped? Do you have methods and tools to do this? I help myself with daily meditation. And when things get too turbulent in my head, I often sit down on my meditation spot. what helps you Or do you believe everything that goes through your head?