Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Die sanfte Vereinigung ist eine Möglichkeit der körperlichen Verb..... - BeFree Liebesschule

The gentle union is a way of physical verb.....

Gentle union is a physical connection option, particularly suited to monogamous couples. It can take place at any time without special preparation. Even if you are tired and just want to lie together a little relaxed, it is a very effective way to increase your happiness in love. Here I can only show the position because of the FB rules. Inserting a soft lingam takes a bit of practice. It often doesn't work right away. And it is the woman's job. You can find out exactly how to do it in my shop at befree-tantra.de. If you agree to have a gentle union, then it should stay that way. Because a normal lovemaking needs a completely different preparation for the woman. Have you already gained experience with it? I advise couples to practice this tantric practice for at least half an hour a day. The relationship becomes more loving, and especially the heart opens for each other. It is a very relaxed and unspectacular way of loving. You only realize how effective it is when you practice it for a long time. And therein lies the problem, as with many things: we take our time for everything, just not for love. But if we do it, we and everyone around us will benefit.