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Von Anfang an ehrlich und authentisch zu l(i)eben, ist gar nicht ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

To live honestly and authentically from the beginning is not at all.....

Living honestly and authentically from the start is not that easy. Here you can read the report of a young woman. She sent it to me. In women's groups we discussed what and where women could have changed something. I was almost stunned that so many women would have behaved in a similar way. If you say A, you don't have to say B. I think we can and even have to change something at any time if it's not good for us. What do you think about? REPORT: "When I went dancing with my girlfriends last weekend, I met a very promising man. He was good looking, the dancing chemistry was great, and he was very personable. I had fun and kissed him. Everything was fine, I enjoyed the beautiful encounter. Actually, that was enough for me for the moment, but I was also curious about more. After several fully booked hotels, we finally ended up in a very small hotel room, more like a youth hostel with two extra narrow single beds. I sat down on one and it creaked in that brief moment. The magic was gone, but I couldn't just leave now, could I? I still felt like it. I stayed. He kissed me and pulled me towards him. It's better... We undressed, but he didn't dress me. I suddenly didn't find him attractive anymore. The foreplay was so short that I couldn't really call it foreplay. But ok, maybe he would still save the situation. Wrong thought: He banged on it. I can't describe it any other way. And each time the bed creaked even louder in my ears. My lust was at zero, if not lower. The funny thing about the situation: it didn't occur to me for a second that I too could have changed something about the situation. Like just opening my mouth to tell him what I would enjoy doing. I'm usually pretty good at that. Instead, I lay there and just endured it. I wasn't feeling bad. Strangely enough, I was somehow bored and just dissatisfied. I don't know what was wrong with me, it just had to be over as soon as possible. There was no connection between us, nothing. I didn't recognize the guy from the dance floor. He disgusted me and I still satisfied him orally. Eventually he came. Finally. was he having fun Did he notice that I didn't have one? I don't know, I didn't want to know. After I was in the bathroom, I lay down on the other bed. At first I just wanted to sleep. In the second, I just wanted to get away. He seemed to have fallen asleep, so I quietly gathered my things and left. I felt pretty bad. Why haven't I changed anything, said nothing? I could have gone I didn't dare. The frightening and frightening thing for me is that I wasn't true to myself. I didn't take myself, my body and my heart seriously. That should never happen again. But can I gather the courage in such a situation? Hopefully."