Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Damit ist nicht nur der Weltfrieden gemeint, der wohl für uns all..... - BeFree Liebesschule

This does not only mean world peace, which is probably for all of us.....

This does not only mean world peace, which is probably still a long way off for all of us. It also means our very personal peace with ourselves and everything and everyone around us. Be honest: can't you sleep better when you've had nice encounters and are completely fulfilled? And what is it like when grief, worry, fear, and unresolved conflicts weigh down your heart? Are there difficulties in your life? And could you easily undo them if you really wanted to? If you are not necessarily just about being right, but about satisfaction and happiness for everyone involved? Do you find it difficult to give in? How does it feel when a few spikes fall out of your crown? In any case, the crown will then become lighter until you can eventually take it off completely. Ask yourself, where and how could I bring more peace today? It is best to do it right away - because you will primarily experience the positive effect yourself.