Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Oftmals leidet ein Partner an dem verschlossenen Herzen des ander..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Often one partner suffers from the closed heart of the other.....

Often one partner suffers from the closed heart of the other. Or someone lives alone and cannot open their heart to themselves or to other people. Some people are quite callous and cold. Then the relationship suffers. She "sicks" of a lack of heart love. Some people with closed hearts don't find a partner at all.

Like "closed" sexuality, a closed heart can also point to unresolved issues in the family of origin. Therefore, in such a case, the questions arise: “Where does the closed heart really belong?” or “Who really had to close their heart, perhaps in order to be able to survive?”

Through a family constellation, this hidden connection can become visible. It is often possible to dissolve or mitigate them completely. Only then is the heart free for the current love relationship.

Have you ever tried family constellations?