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Als mein Sohn vier Jahre alt war, verkaufte ich im Alter von 32 J..... - BeFree Liebesschule

When my son was four years old I sold at the age of 32.....

When my son was four years old, I sold all my possessions at the age of 32 in 1988, took a year's leave as a civil servant and first went with my four-year-old child for six months to a shared flat with German dropouts Utopiaggia in Umbria, Italy. Then the spiritual center Schweibenalp in Switzerland was on the program. In the library there I found one hundred translated lessons from "A Course in Miracles®", which was only available in German from 1994.

An elderly roommate, Ruth, urged me to practice these lessons with her day after day: "It only takes one minute twice a day!" she assured me. Finally I gave in. The first lessons were very strange for me at the time. Later I left the center and took the copied lessons with me. Within two years I translated the remaining 265 lessons using my poor school English. My language skills failed me in theory.

As I know today, it is very difficult at the beginning to understand the contents of "A Course in Miracles®", even in the mother tongue. If I had had the theory part right from the start, I probably would never have started the course. But I stuck with it. To this day, I work with the texts and lessons on a daily basis. They help me see my entanglements with other people and turn quarrels or uneasiness into peace for everyone involved. The course is the greatest treasure that has come to me in my life.

"A Course in Miracles®" consists of three parts: A comprehensive theory part, the text book, the exercise book with 365 lessons for each day of the year and a handbook for the course teachers, in which important questions are answered and terms are explained.

Do you know the "Course in Miracles"?