Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Das hat ein Paartherapeut in meinen jungen Jahren mit bohrendem B..... - BeFree Liebesschule

That's what a couples therapist did when I was young with a nagging b.....

Why should I even show my loved one what I want? ..... Reading That's what a couples therapist did when I was young with a nagging b..... 2 minutes Next We all have the blame game in our pores. If we are uncomfortable.....
That's what a couples therapist said to me when I was young with a piercing look when I was once again faced with a relationship. "Sure," I replied, "my man!" I had to see a number of other relationship attempts fail before I applied the statement to myself. So it would be enough if only I changed myself? And my partner could just stay the way he is? Incomprehensible! But I was at my wit's end. And what's the harm in trying it out after many vigorous male enhancement projects? So I started. Again and again after every conflict I threw myself back on myself: What did I do to make it possible for this to happen? Or what have I omitted? After initially strong resistance, I was able to see my shares more and more. And I could change that. That was hard enough. I left my partner completely alone. Now I know it's true. If I change, my partner automatically changes with me or he leaves me and looks for a nasty woman again, if I have become nice and friendly myself. With my life and loved ones I could confirm this sentence. And I'll tell you honestly: It was the only meaningful relationship project I've ever tackled. Tugging at someone else only poisons everything, including their willingness to listen. Of course, everyone can decide for themselves. In any case, I am overjoyed that with my own extensive changes I have now landed in a beautiful relationship ship that can and carries far across the sea. where are you now At the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a relationship? Or are you currently single? Would you be willing to stake all the cards on yourself and do your own inner work (it took me several years - but I was also a tough case) :-) I look forward to an exchange with you!