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Kennst du das auch? Eine Idee schwirrt dir durch den Kopf und läs..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Do you know that, too? An idea buzzes through your head and lets you.....

Do you know that, too? An idea buzzes through your head and won't let you go. But whenever you try to implement them, it just won't work. And suddenly it happens: You are in the middle of the implementation and now there is no turning back. The time has come. The power to implement is there. A current example for me is bedtime. For years I've been trying to get used to a different sleeping pattern. And bang: suddenly it works and everything fits and is right. Or my new online project: It fermented and smoldered and now a door is opening and the right support is there. I signed up for Katrin Hill's master's course this week. Do you know that, too? Are there examples that can also encourage others? #Count me in