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Als Frau kannst du eine Muttertochter oder eine Vatertochter sein..... - BeFree Liebesschule

As a woman, you can be a mother's daughter or a father's daughter...

As a woman, you can be a mother's daughter or a father's daughter. What is the difference? And what does that mean for your life and your loved ones? A father's daughter is a woman who has always found her father better than her mother. She therefore feels closer to her father than to her mother. Sometimes she also devalued her mother. And she definitely doesn't want to be like her mother. As a rule, a father's daughter will later also embody male values: She is more of an adventurous woman, enjoys a career and is good to be a lover. Stable relationships or marriage are not so successful for her. The ability to bond comes from the mother. Ideally, the small child experiences it through an intact mother relationship. It is important for maturation and becoming a woman that a father-daughter sooner or later returns to the mother and to women and femininity. So that she becomes a mother's daughter. A mother's daughter likes being a woman and is closer to her mother than to her father. She is bondable and can stay in a relationship. The path from father-daughter to mother-daughter is not easy for many women, but it is of great importance for the success of the couple relationship. Although a father's daughter and a mother's son get along to some extent, the love doesn't really flourish and thrive permanently. The subject is too vast to cover all aspects here. If you are interested in more as a woman, I can recommend the healing ritual for the relationship with your own mother. We do it from time to time at seminars. On my website you can also find it as an online course (mother healing ritual). A good relationship with the mother is also essential for men: not only for the partnership, but also for professional success. Still, it is important for the mother's son to eventually move on to the father and men. We first learn to give and take from the mother. We should have both in a love relationship if it is to succeed. Ask yourself honestly and without judgement: Am I a father's daughter? A mother's son? Sometimes there are causes from the family system behind it: the mother's son wants to help the mother to bear a difficult fate and therefore gets close to her. But he completely overwhelms himself with it. Later he would like to help women. You are welcome to ask your questions about this comprehensive topic here. I'll be happy to answer them.