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Fast alle Menschen bewegen sich mehr oder weniger im Hamsterrad d..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Almost all people move more or less in the hamster wheel d.....

Almost all people move more or less in the hamster wheel of busyness. How about you? I know the hamster wheel very well. And if I hadn't been stopping and doing little meditations throughout the day for more than 30 years, I might have kicked myself to death by now. Yes, I have actually gotten into the habit of not just starting and ending the day with a longer morning meditation. Also in between, about every hour, I disconnect from the stream of activity and sit down for 5-10 minutes to do my daily meditation. The nice thing about it is that my daily schedule is thrown overboard quite a few times. Because stopping gives me a much better sense of what really needs to be done and what doesn't. For example, after the morning meditation (which I do for at least 30 minutes), quite often the huge to-do list that used to push me hard has disappeared from my head. I just can't think of her anymore. Somehow I've beamed myself onto another energy wave - that's how it seems to me. Tantra is a path within. It's not just about sexuality, it's about life as a whole. Everything is slowed down and made conscious, which of course pays off especially for love life. Do you also have strategies to escape the hamster wheel? If yes, which?