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Wie findest Du diesen Satz aus "Ein Kurs in Wundern®"? Für mich h..... - BeFree Liebesschule

What do you think of this sentence from "A Course in Miracles®"? For me h.....

Common tantric breathing in different positions can..... Reading What do you think of this sentence from "A Course in Miracles®"? For me h..... 1 minute Next Do you also sometimes not know how to get out of the busy mind.....
What do you think of this sentence from "A Course in Miracles®"? There is something very comforting about him for me. In any case, it is true for the spiritual dimension of our existence. According to the course, everyone will sooner or later find their inner home. Even if he takes so many detours. And when we are connected to our inner being, then we also see the outer world in a new and completely different way. I wish you all that I always find a happy ending, even in very worldly matters, or make it possible myself.