Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Über die Unlust der Frau wurde schon viel geschrieben. Doch mehr ..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Much has been written about women's unhappiness. But more .....

Much has been written about women's unhappiness. But more and more it turns out that lustful women also have to reckon with rejection in bed. While men seem to be able to deal with female rejection reasonably well, the reverse is not the case. It can even feel like a natural disaster when the lusty woman is left out in the cold while still being doomed to be faithful. In this day and age, no woman needs to starve sexually. Unless she only wants the one. But he keeps her sexually on the back burner. A truly terrible dilemma - and seen in the woman's world rather new in terms of human history. So the struggle over sexuality seems to be reversible. How do men and women deal with male sexual withdrawal? What's behind it? What can we do? I'm happy about hints and comments!