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Meditationsarten gibt es sehr viele und alle können das Ziel, den..... - Befree Tantra Shop

There are many types of meditation and all of them can achieve the goal...

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Anyway, I've had dreams like this before. only i knew..... Reading There are many types of meditation and all of them can achieve the goal... 1 minute Next Of course, the food here is only symbolic. Can you from a .....
There are many types of meditation and all can achieve the goal of finding inner peace. But what goes best with whom? And can anyone really learn to meditate who is interested? And how does that change your life? In this interview, Klaus Peill, the manager of Quinta Essentia, interviews Regina Heckert. She answers all his questions and then also presents her own meditation path: "Meditation connects us to a deep inner source beyond the mind. Miracles can spring from this source." do you meditate too Since when and how long daily? Has this changed anything for you? If yes, what?