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Wer das Wort “Tantra” hört, denkt vielleicht zunächst an erotisch..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Whoever hears the word “Tantra” might first think of it as erotic.....

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What do you think of Osho's quote? Do you agree?..... Reading Whoever hears the word “Tantra” might first think of it as erotic..... 1 minute Next We think about 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. We take.....

Whoever hears the word "Tantra" may first think of erotic massages or wild sexual practices.

Few can say what tantra actually is. But one thing is definitely tantra: Much more than just a sexual act.

Tantra is at the same time a path of self-awareness that can bring many changes in our life in terms of joie de vivre, vitality and energy on a deep level. Tantra connects body, body and soul.

In which areas of life could tantra help you? Feel free to write me your experiences with tantra in the comments ✨