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Wer das Wort “Tantra” hört, denkt vielleicht zunächst an erotisch..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Whoever hears the word “Tantra” might first think of it as erotic.....

What do you think of Osho's quote? Do you agree?..... Reading Whoever hears the word “Tantra” might first think of it as erotic..... 1 minute Next We think about 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. We take.....

Whoever hears the word "Tantra" may first think of erotic massages or wild sexual practices.

Few can say what tantra actually is. But one thing is definitely tantra: Much more than just a sexual act.

Tantra is at the same time a path of self-awareness that can bring many changes in our life in terms of joie de vivre, vitality and energy on a deep level. Tantra connects body, body and soul.

In which areas of life could tantra help you? Feel free to write me your experiences with tantra in the comments ✨