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Nie räumt er seine Socken weg!
Fast jeder Mann kennt die nörgelnd..... - Befree Tantra Shop

He never puts his socks away! Almost every man knows the nagging.....

He never puts his socks away!
Almost every man knows the nagging woman, sometimes even the nagging woman, right? She gets upset about socks, toothpaste, garbage and a thousand other things.
What's really going on with her? Every time I've gotten to the bottom of such dissatisfaction with a couple, it's due to a lack of or bad sex.
If physical love is fulfilling for the woman, on the other hand, it can happen that she sings and happily carries away the socks of her sweetheart and doesn't quarrel a bit.
Do you have any experience with that? Are there nagging women in your environment, permanently dissatisfied, so to speak?