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Laut "Ein Kurs in Wundern®" gibt es keine Welt. Sondern nur ein S..... - Befree Tantra Shop

According to A Course in Miracles®, there is no world. But just a s.....

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So are we miles away from love? Anyway rec..... Reading According to A Course in Miracles®, there is no world. But just a s..... 1 minute Next Sometimes deeply hidden unconscious dynamics stick out of the fam...

According to "A Course in Miracles®" there is no world. Just a hodgepodge of thoughts, beliefs, opinions, fears, etc. in your head.

In this respect, everyone sees a different world and considers it to be universal. But it is very individual.

Do you see a beautiful or a scary world? What you see reflects your thoughts. Thoughts can be changed - but only if you really want to.

Then what you see as the "world" will inevitably change as well.

How is your world so far? Do you want to change them at all?