Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

In Liebesdingen und besonders wenn es um die eigenen Wünsche und ..... - BeFree Liebesschule

In matters of love and especially when it comes to one's own desires and .....

In matters of love and especially when it comes to one's own desires and needs in sexuality, women who are usually so talkative often fall silent. Feelings of shame and a lack of sexual self-esteem leave them speechless. Sometimes women don't even know their real sexual needs. So far they have only gone along with what came from the man. However, this usually does not do justice to the sexuality of women. For example, women struggle to keep up with men in the pace and type of sexuality or to be a good lover. But even men often do not express their longings and desires. I am currently dealing with this topic in a chapter of my book.

I am really happy about your comments and stories on the topic: Do I dare to express my real needs? Will they then be fulfilled? How do I feel if they are not fulfilled or are fulfilled "wrongly"? Do I dare to ask again? How do I feel when my partner expresses their needs? Am I happy about it? Do I feel defense? Oh, there are a thousand more questions. I am really happy if you describe your experiences here. That could inspire and supplement my writing here and there. Thanks for participating!