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Es war einmal ein kleiner Engel im Himmel, der die Menschen mit s..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Once upon a time there was a little angel in heaven who sent people with s.....

Since the year is slowly coming to an end, I have you today..... Reading Once upon a time there was a little angel in heaven who sent people with s..... 2 minutes Next .....

Once upon a time there was a little angel in heaven who accompanied people with such closeness and tenderness that he felt the irresistible desire not only to hover over the earth with his wings and to watch over people protectively, but he wanted to even walk their roads and paths, become one of them.

One day he saw a poppy flower just beginning to bloom on the ground. It seemed to the little angel that he had never felt such red in heaven, and his longing to belong on earth grew. So he stepped before God's face and asked: "Let me come to earth, let me become a man among men."

A sublime, wise angel stepped up and said: "Do you also know that there is not only sun and flowers on earth? There are storms and storms and all sorts of unpleasant things." "Yes," replied the little angel, "I know that. But I also saw a person who had the strength to open a large umbrella so that two people could fit under it. It seemed to me that no storm could harm the two ." Then God smiled at the little angel.

You can continue reading here: https://befree-tantra.de/liebesschule-online/weihnachtsgeschichte 🎄❄️

How will you spend Christmas?