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Die Kommunikation ist das A & O einer erfüllenden Beziehung. ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Communication is the be-all and end-all of a fulfilling relationship. .....

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After so many days, my Valentine's Day bouquet has only ..... Reading Communication is the be-all and end-all of a fulfilling relationship. ..... 2 minutes Next Surely you know that too: You want to tell something, and wait.....
Communication is the be-all and end-all of a fulfilling relationship. Unfortunately, many people get caught up in the undergrowth of accusations, blame, attacks, or even insults. Then the other person automatically shuts down and becomes emotional themselves. Real listening is no longer possible. Contact has been lost and the battlefield is raging. After such a duel, it sometimes takes several days before the positive channels are open to each other again. The first recommendation: Do not discuss sensitive topics in the evening when you are tired. Then the relationship demons have an easy time. And you spoil each other's restful sleep. "I have something on my mind that I would like to discuss with you at a better time than now. Do you have time at 5 p.m. tomorrow? It will take about 15 minutes." If the person you are talking to does not have time for the suggested appointment, you look for another appointment together, but not late in the evening and not under the influence of alcohol. The partner is more open if there is a clear indication of the time, which then has to be adhered to. How to avoid reproaches and accusations during the conversation will follow shortly. Because constructive dialogue is the key. Do you have specific questions about good communication?