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Im Tantra geht es öfter um den YabYum Sitz. Ich möchte euch diese..... - BeFree Liebesschule

In tantra it is often about the YabYum seat. I would like to share this.....

In tantra it is often about the YabYum seat. I would like to introduce you to this position of love and loving here. Many people cannot perform the perfect lotus position because they are not tantra or yoga professionals. The body is not prepared for this. But there are simpler variants that we also use in seminars. Especially during or after tantra rituals, being together in the YabYum seat (without sexual union) is very pleasant, relaxing and connecting. You can also try it at home if you want. However, the embedding in a tantric atmosphere is only the magic that unfolds with the YabYum seat. are you flexible Have you tried the YabYum seat before?