Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Ich habe ja vor einigen Tagen geschrieben, dass es auch möglich i..... - BeFree Liebesschule

I wrote a few days ago that it is also possible i.....

I wrote a few days ago that it is also possible to experience a very fulfilling one night stand. I wrote a report about this myself. I was almost 40 years old at the time. In order for a one night stand to be fulfilling for both of you, it's important to be completely honest and authentic from the start. And not doing anything that doesn't feel right. That's why I would generally leave alcohol out of the game, because it fogs up and distorts the sense. You can follow exactly that on my highlight of my single time. If I didn't know what fits and is right, I've always stopped and felt inward until I did. It even took half an hour at one point. So I took the risk that the man would leave because it was too stupid for him. But it didn't happen. And I experienced an unforgettable dream of love night that remains a gem in my memory to this day. You can find the story on my blog because it's too intimate to post here on Facebook. I'm looking forward to your feedback! Here is the link to the report: https://befree-tantra.de/blog/missglueckter-one-night-stand/standard-titeltantra.de/blog/missglueckter-one-night-stand/standard-titel