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Sometimes our mistakes haunt us for years or even a lifetime l.....

I'm sorry that the film didn't work in yesterday's post..... Reading Sometimes our mistakes haunt us for years or even a lifetime l..... 1 minute Next I was just bathing in memories. Here you see me as j.....
Sometimes our mistakes haunt us for years or even a lifetime. Or mistakes that others made and from which we suffered. However, any error can be corrected. Just like with arithmetic problems or in spelling. And then where is the mistake once it has been corrected? Exactly, then he's gone and has no meaning anymore. Sometimes the mistakes we've made need some sort of rectification so we're no longer burdened internally. Sometimes just apologizing is enough. Sometimes you can also actively do something to erase the error forever. What mistakes are there in your life that still bother you because they have not been corrected? And what could you do to dissolve them forever? Or do you want to take her to the grave one day?