Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Sicher hast Du auch schon zig mal das Glück im Außen gesucht, ode..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Surely you have already looked for happiness in the outside umpteen times, or.....

Do you sometimes use future hope to separate yourself from the present..... Reading Surely you have already looked for happiness in the outside umpteen times, or..... 1 minute Next The demand-deny game is rampant in many relationships around...
Surely you've looked for happiness outside umpteen times, haven't you? In the right partner, the right dream apartment, the fulfilling job, the great pastime, the super car, the right friends and relationships, in money or winning the lottery and, and, and... Sometimes these things happen and make you happy for a limited time. But mostly it's just a little bit of luck: It doesn't last forever. How would it be if happiness didn't lie outside at all? But in yourself? Maybe hidden and covered by all sorts of thoughts, experiences, expectations, efforts, dreams for the future? "Look not outside," says A Course in Miracles®. "For you will be disappointed again and again. Happiness is within you. Stop and go within. Seek it there." What do you think about?