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Tantrisches Atmen kann gelernt werden: die einfachen Atemübungen ..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Tantric breathing can be learned: the simple breathing exercises.....

Tantric breathing can be learned: the simple breathing exercises can also be done effortlessly at home. It is better to learn stronger breathing under the guidance of a tantra seminar. In tantra we assume that both man and woman function like a magnet: the energy field has a plus and a minus pole. This causes the invisible body energy to flow inside. Very sensitive people can sense this. This invisible flow of energy can be amplified by full, deep and gentle breathing. Man and woman do different preliminary exercises until they can finally enjoy the tantric breathing circle together. But even without breathing reinforcement, the so-called heart hug is good. It is also called the Marriage Happiness Trick. Why? Because couples who do them often invest in their happiness in love and are proven to be happier. Do you have questions or suggestions? I am very happy about your comment. 😊