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Wenn wir ein "Ding" verschenken, dann ist es weg. Wir haben es ni..... - Befree Tantra Shop

When we give a "thing" away, it's gone. We don't have it.....

When we give a "thing" away, it's gone. We don't have it anymore. It is the same with everything material. But spiritually, the law is different: Everything we give away (#love, #joy, #happiness, #peace, #goodness, #understanding 💗 etc.) is not gone. Quite the opposite: it becomes more and stronger within us. And yet we can also give away material things with the intention of making someone happy. What remains in us is joy. ✨🥳 Have you already tried it and gained experience with it? However, this also applies to the dark side of life: If we pass on attacks, accusations, and blame, then these and their effects also increase within ourselves. We then no longer feel happy and free. The good news: We can decide for ourselves what we want to strengthen within ourselves. Best every day! 😊

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