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Schon seit Tagen arbeite ich mit Volldampf an der Vorbereitung zu..... - BeFree Liebesschule

For days I've been working full steam ahead on the preparation for.....

What do you think of this quote? 😊..... Reading For days I've been working full steam ahead on the preparation for..... 1 minute Next Bad news is good news. We keep it similar in everyday life: .....
For days I've been working at full steam on the preparations for this year's big BeFree Tantra Festival at Gut Frohberg. In terms of content, everything is there - a full program with different massages, rituals, dance, creative things such as body painting or drumming. As always, there are a few new items in the range and it will certainly be exciting. Now I still have to wait for the new Saxon Corona Ordinance, which will appear on Thursday, to create the hygiene concept - always a long job. Things are currently looking very good for the tantric world in Saxony, but the numbers can also rise quickly again. So keep your fingers crossed for us!