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Zum Sommerausklang 2021 gibt es erneut ein BeFree Tantra Sommerfe..... - BeFree Liebesschule

At the end of summer 2021 there will be another BeFree Tantra summer holiday.....

All tantra rituals available on https://befree-tantra.de can..... Reading At the end of summer 2021 there will be another BeFree Tantra summer holiday..... 1 minute Next Many are waiting for life to begin one day or better.....
At the end of summer 2021 there will be another BeFree Tantra summer festival, this time in our most important seminar house Gut Frohberg > with a lot of potential inside and outside. From a wealth of tantric offers, the participants can arrange their journey through the festival days individually. Joint actions in the large group and the harbor of the small, proven "Tantra families" ensure that everyone experiences enough security and strength on their Tantra journey. Special offers for newcomers carefully open doors and gates into the touching, tantric way of life. For those with tantra experience there are - as always voluntary - new tantric offers on the program. Tantric rituals, breath and energy work, dance, play and humor, as well as in-depth workshops for inner cleansing and healing, such as family constellations, give all participants the opportunity to follow their needs for lightness and/or depth. Are you there too? 🌞😊