Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Viele warten darauf, dass das Leben eines Tages beginnt oder bess..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Many are waiting for life to begin one day or better.....

Many are waiting for life to begin or get better one day. They long for a future that is lighter than the present. Why not enchant the present right now? What could you do that would bring you joy, or others? 😊 Imagine being a mayfly and only having this one day. And your task would be to make it a wonderful day, so that in the evening you can close your eyes contentedly. You can start at any time, even if the evening is already here. You can always add an accent that makes this day worthwhile. Like calling someone and thanking them, or, or... Do you have any idea? 💡