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Heute steht bei unserem Seminar BeFree Tantra Sommertreff die Tan..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Today at our seminar BeFree Tantra summer meeting the tan.....

Today, the tantra massage for women is on the program at our BeFree Tantra summer meeting seminar. After a short lecture, the massage will be demonstrated and questions will be answered. Tonight is the very healing ritual that the men give to the women, of course with guidance and in a nice atmosphere. With tantra massages, the whole body, including the genitals, is touched in a healing way. Through the special atmosphere created in the tantra ritual, both the giving and the receiving person reach expanded spaces of presence and awareness. The whole person is addressed and the one-sided fixation on the purely sexual is overcome. For many people, tantra massages open up a whole new area of ​​existence, which immensely expands and enriches previous sexual experiences. For people who find it difficult to open up to sexual love, the tantra massages are an invitation to start all over again. For the centers where injuries are often stored, mostly heart and sex centers, it is important to bring nourishing "balm" to the wounds with mindfulness and respect. Therefore the giver is there in an attitude of unintentional support. The receiving person can explore what the different touches trigger in them as fearlessly as possible. Emotional openness, spiritual connection, presence in the body, mental clarity and inspiration set in. Do you want to know more about tantra massages? You can find more information on befree-tantra.de under the heading of love school/ tantra massages. Or feel free to ask your questions here. #Tantra , #Tantric massage, #Tantric massage for women