Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Eine Freundin von mir hat vor Jahrzehnten ihre Brüste verkleinern..... - BeFree Liebesschule

A friend of mine had her breasts reduced decades ago...

A friend of mine had her breasts reduced decades ago. She is small and petite and has suffered a lot from the immense bust size. After the operation she was happy and hasn't regretted it to this day. A woman in her circle of acquaintances had her breasts enlarged simply for beauty reasons without great need and paid a lot of money for it. According to a study by the German Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (DGÄPC), breast augmentation is the hit of all cosmetic surgeries. Breast lifts, nose corrections, liposuction and eyelid lifts are much less prominent. The latter two often affect males. How do you feel about cosmetic surgery? And under what conditions would you agree to them?