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Das Packen hatte ich schon fast verlernt. Ich war zwei Tage damit..... - BeFree Liebesschule

I almost forgot how to pack. I was there for two days.....

I almost forgot how to pack. I was busy for two days and therefore didn't even get to post. Yesterday we drove to Austria with two cars fully packed. I love the mountains and Tyrol so much - they have become my second home. Now I have enough time to prepare the three summer seminars. On Wednesday evening there is a meeting with the co-leaders and on Thursday the first group begins. It almost seems as if everything is the same as it used to be. From July 1st there will be hardly any restrictions - no minimum distance and no more masks - only the 3G rule. I am really happy that the seminars are taking place in such a beautiful area. I've been a summer guest here for almost 20 years. I'm sure I'll show you more of the beauty here little by little. Do you also have nice summer destinations?