Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Meist haken wir unsere Wünsche viel zu schnell ab, weil wir denke..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Most of the time we tick off our wishes far too quickly because we think.....

Separation and relocation and a small child. And only half a digit..... Reading Most of the time we tick off our wishes far too quickly because we think..... 1 minute Next Why should I even show my loved one what I want? .....
Most of the time we tick off our wishes far too quickly because we think that they cannot be implemented after all. But miracles are indeed possible and open closed doors for us if we take our heart's desires seriously and follow them. This little miracle story of my life encourages you to do so. It was not only the first flight of my life, but also a very special experience of freedom - precisely because it was so utterly impossible.