Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Heute möchte ich euch mal mein tolles Expertenteam aus dem Master..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Today I would like to introduce you to my great team of experts from the Master.....

Today I would like to introduce you to my great team of experts from Katrin Hill's master's course - growing online: You already know Ingrid JaJaaly Dankwart from an interview. She helps spiritual women to easily overcome technical hurdles and build a website or online business. Thomas Hahn - professional change is an expert for professional change. He is the contact person if you are no longer really happy in your job and need a helping hand for an upcoming change. The three of us meet once a week via zoom and support and inspire each other, and always laugh a lot. We called our group "Next Level" - and that's where we're being heaved through the master's course. It's challenging. And that's what it has to be if you want to experience a great transformation. We are currently preparing our super great webinars and will soon be testing them together. Do you also have experience with collaboration and support from others? It is wonderful! #strong together