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Vom "Zwang" in Weiß zu heiraten

Nein, es war nicht wirklich ein ..... - BeFree Liebesschule

From the "compulsion" to marry in white No, it wasn't really a.....

From the "compulsion" to marry in white No, it wasn't really a compulsion. It's just that for years I had this phrase in my head, "I'll get married in white, even if it's at 85!" I didn't know where that phrase came from at the time. In any case, my first husband had already been married in a church. So that didn't work for me at all at the time, and at the time I wouldn't have dreamed of getting married in a church. Actually, I never wanted to get married again. When I was in my early 40s, I spent an afternoon at a bridal shop with two friends of the same age, just for fun. We tried on gorgeous wedding dress after gorgeous wedding dress while being oddly scrutinized by the mothers of 20-year-old girls who had come with their mother to choose the dress of their lives. The 3 of us, who were getting on in years, went home without having achieved anything. We hadn't planned it any other way. After all, I got married in white at the age of 45. The wedding day is just around the corner (May 5th) and that's why the old photos fell into my hands. Yes, and then of course I wanted to tell you the secret of why I had no choice and had to get married in white. Only a long time later did it become clear to me: my mother had to marry in black because her father-in-law had died shortly before the wedding day. Both my grandmothers too. One had forfeited the right to the white dress because she had two illegitimate children. The other had two deaths in the family. And this continued even up to the great-grandmother line. Black wedding dresses everywhere. No wonder I had the unconscious order to put an end to it, even if according to the church's chastity laws I certainly didn't have the slightest right to a white wedding dress. Luckily, the hymen doesn't play such a big role these days. And inside I see how all the unredeemed ancestors in black are enjoying me and the bright white dress. It's finally bright and light again!!! I was very happy to fulfill this inner task, even though I didn't know anything about it at the time. In any case, we will soon have our 21st wedding anniversary (civil) and our 19th wedding anniversary (church). And that's a really big miracle for someone like me, who used to not be able to relate too much! Have you ever had a church wedding or would you like to? There's something about the dress in white, and the choir and the singer and all the clerical trappings. Here are a few photos for you to enjoy...