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Wenn Myriam spricht, erlebt man sie so authentisch in ihrem Inner..... - BeFree Liebesschule

When Myriam speaks, you experience her so authentically inside her.....

When Myriam speaks, you experience her so authentically inside. She has researched the horses on her own and developed her own form of therapy, where she coaches people and helps them to live authentically themselves. The horses help her with this. Depending on how you get in contact with the clients, they are touched and their issues are revealed on the spot. In any case, I was very fascinated by this form of therapy. And now the expert Myriam Zahrte is even developing an online training. At the moment she is creating several films with the therapy horses. We should be thrilled. You can see the interview on Friday at 2 p.m. on befreetantra here on Facebook. If you don't have time, you can watch it later. In any case, Myriam also tells us where to get more information. So make a note of it in your calendar!