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In Seminaren darf nicht mehr so ungezwungen getanzt werden wie fr..... - BeFree Liebesschule

In seminars it is no longer allowed to dance as casually as before.....

Since mid-November I've been writing my first book..... Reading In seminars it is no longer allowed to dance as casually as before..... 1 minute Next We are experiencing this again with our BeFree Tantra Assistant.....

Dancing in seminars is no longer allowed to be as casual as it used to be. Tomorrow the BeFree Tantra training group will start and at least gentle movement will be possible.
In any case, we are all glad and happy that Tantra can rise again after such a long break.

In this training seminar, the assistants and future tantra teachers practice leading meditations, exercises and rituals. Some also give lectures on exciting topics. It will certainly be another inspiring week with a spirit of optimism and lots of growth. In any case, we are better prepared for the new tantra year than 2020. The training was not allowed to take place then.

Regardless of that, I dance with my husband at home almost every night. Dancing is pure joie de vivre. We can even experience this when we dance all by ourselves. Do you know that too?