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Der Wonnemonat Mai sollte nie enden. Die Natur ist üppig und pral..... - BeFree Liebesschule

The merry month of May should never end. Nature is lush and lush...

The merry month of May should never end. Nature is lush and plump. The green is so lush and lush like it hasn't been all year round. The birds chirp their throats out. Every year I sing - like before in the shower - the song by Konstantin Wecker "That May never end!" When I was young I was a fan of alarm clocks. His songs are still ingrained in me today and emerge from the realm of memory at every suitable opportunity. I especially liked his pleasure songs. The Mailied also has something of it. Here are a few text excerpts for you with May pictures taken yesterday! Happy last May of this year to all of you!