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Nein, das ist kein Aprilscherz! Wenn unser Verstand schon so akti..... - BeFree Liebesschule

No, this is not an April Fool's joke! If our mind is already that active.....

There's more under the sun than we can see. For example ..... Reading No, this is not an April Fool's joke! If our mind is already that active..... 1 minute Next Do you remember the first time? It was pretty much for all of us.....
No, this is not an April Fool's joke! If our minds are already so active that they rush us from one topic to another and keep us trapped in endless thought loops, then we should be a pinch smarter: We can give our minds a much better job than creating worries and fears and repeating them over and over again. For example, through clever and beneficial mental cinema programs, such as pleasurable fantasies. It has been scientifically proven that imagining beautiful and invigorating things is actually good for your health. And certainly such inner films do not rob us of sleep. So on to erotic stories! We can read them, repeat them in our minds or even tell them to our loved ones. And we immediately feel the effect in our bodies. This gets our life energy going and gives us exhilarating minutes or even hours. Sometimes these mental cinema films even put a smile on our faces. How are you with erotic fantasies? do you even know her