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Heute, am 5.Mai 2021 sind wir genau 21 Jahre lang standesamtlich ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Today, May 5th, 2021, we have been registered for exactly 21 years.....

Today, May 5th, 2021, we have been married for exactly 21 years. Last night we celebrated our usual wedding ritual together. At the end of the day, we always decide on two things that we would like...

Tomorrow I'll talk to Myriam Zahrte about the below. Topics - a se.....

Tomorrow I'll talk to Myriam Zahrte about the below. Topics - a very loving conversation. I am happy if you are there!
Eigentlich hätte ich gerne einen Meilenstein hier auf FB erstellt..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Actually I would have liked to create a milestone here on FB.....

Actually, I would have liked to create a milestone here on FB, but unfortunately it doesn't work. We have two wedding days, because double stitching is better!😃 Today is the first, which is actual...
Hallo, Ihr Lieben, während ich mich Tag für Tag intensiv mit mein..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Hello, dear ones, while I deal intensively with my day after day.....

Hello, dear ones, while I am busy with my webinar day after day, everything else is being done at the same time. So my event got a new, more beautiful design. So don't be surprised - it's still the...
Ingrid, die Onlinezauberin hat mich interviewt: Braucht man eine ..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Ingrid, the online magician interviewed me: Do you need a .....

Ingrid, the online magician interviewed me: Do you need some kind of belief to end the head child? Or how does that work exactly. These and other questions shed light on the delicate subject. I loo...
Tantra braucht Begegnung und Berührung - denn das menschliche Mit..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Tantra needs encounter and touch - because the human with.....

Tantra needs encounter and touch - because human togetherness is the breeding ground for a common spiritual journey of woman and man. Almost all seminars have been canceled for more than a year. S...
Das sind tatsächlich interessante Fragen. Denn seit Herbst letzte..... - Befree Tantra Shop

These are indeed interesting questions. Because since autumn last.....

These are indeed interesting questions. Because all BeFree seminars have been canceled since autumn last year. And in spring 2020 the big Easter and Whitsun seminars. As the leader of the BeFree T...
In einer Parship Studie (zusammen mit INNOFACT) von 2019 in Deuts..... - Befree Tantra Shop

In a Parship study (together with INNOFACT) from 2019 in Germany.....

A Parship study (together with INNOFACT) from 2019 in Germany found that most women and men would like an age difference of 1 to 5 years. The man should be the older one. So the opinions on this t...
Hier ist mein Interview mit dem Schalter, um das Kopfkino auszusc..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Here's my interview with the switch to turn off the head cinema...

Here is my interview with the switch to turn off the head cinema. I report how, as a young woman, I walked a path of meditation that still carries me today. And of course everything that belongs to...
Heute möchte ich euch mal mein tolles Expertenteam aus dem Master..... - Befree Tantra Shop

Today I would like to introduce you to my great team of experts from the Master.....

Today I would like to introduce you to my great team of experts from Katrin Hill's master's course - growing online: You already know Ingrid JaJaaly Dankwart from an interview. She helps spiritual ...

Tomorrow you will see me in an interview with Susanne Wirth. Among others.....

Tomorrow you will see me in an interview with Susanne Wirth. Among other things, I describe what I need for my free webinar on May 27th. plan and plan diligently. I am looking forward to your visit...
Wie schon angekündigt, hier das Interview mit der EDV Expertin In..... - Befree Tantra Shop

As already announced, here is the interview with IT expert In.....

As already announced, here is the interview with IT expert Ingrid Dankwart. So don't be afraid of technology anymore! There are simple words that do a great job of explaining anything that sounds l...